Essential Learnings - 5 KEY INSIGHTS FROM “The Lightmaker’s Manifesto”

In a world where deafening disagreement often drowns out our internal clarity, the call for meaningful action can seem overwhelming. "The Lightmaker's Manifesto: How To Work For Change Without Losing Your Joy" delves into the nuanced relationship between personal authenticity and impactful activism, emphasizing the profound power of intrinsic motivation and inner guidance. Drawing from renowned thinkers like Peter Drucker, Viktor Frankl, and Elizabeth Gilbert, the text underscores the value of deep introspection, embracing curiosity, and maintaining a well-balanced approach to advocacy. In a journey that intertwines personal well-being with societal change, the manifesto offers insights into how individuals can champion causes close to their heart while staying true to themselves and preserving their inner light.

The following five learnings emphasize the importance of internal reflection, personal authenticity, and the holistic approach to activism, blending passion with self-care:

  • Intrinsic Motivation and Responsibility: Genuine commitment and motivation arise from within, aligning with personal truths. Activism, approached with intentionality, is about creating experiences of meaning. True activism involves taking responsibility to find solutions, committing to causes greater than individual interests. This dedication naturally guides one towards their true purpose.

  • Listening to Inner Guidance: To identify one's genuine purpose and direction, it's essential to become still and pay attention to the inner voice or intuition. Cultivating a practice of listening to this inner wisdom ensures that one's path aligns with authentic feelings and insights.

  • Clarity on Personal Gifts and Values: Recognizing and understanding one's unique gifts is the foundation of effective advocacy. Naming your values and mission provides a clear roadmap. Queries such as "What do I believe in?" and "How would I change the world?" guide the journey towards purposeful advocacy.

  • Embracing Curiosity over Passion: Instead of solely following passion, it's beneficial to follow one's curiosity. A mindset rooted in curiosity, experimentation, and the expectation of failure can lead to unexpected and profound results.

  • Self-care and Balance in Advocacy: Advocacy and activism, while vital, can be emotionally draining, especially when one is deeply connected to the cause and the associated sufferings. Ensuring self-care by focusing on spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational, and emotional well-being is crucial. This not only prevents burnout but also ensures that activists can continue making meaningful impacts in their spheres of influence.

Where the call for meaningful action can be overwhelming, “The Lightmaker's Manifesto" serves as a lighthouse, guiding us back to the core of genuine advocacy—a joining of personal authenticity and intentional action. By championing intrinsic motivation, the sanctity of inner guidance, and the value of self-care, it presents a blueprint for sustained impact. In the end, the most enduring change doesn't stem from the loudest shouts but from the most genuine voices, those that emanate from a place of introspection, curiosity, and a profound commitment to both self and society. As we navigate the complexities of our world, let us remember: to truly make a difference, we must first find, understand, and shine our inner light.

Stay tuned for my next blog post where I share my own Spark Statement, as guided by Karen Walrond in “The Lightmaker’s Manifesto”.


Coach B’s Spark Statement


“The answers have to be yours”