Ready, Warrior?

A poem for your Authentic Self by Brooke Boser

Dear Warrior, are you ready?

Check - Do you have your courage?

Does your heart feel brave?

Yes? Then let's move forth 

Together on our journey 

To find our true Self.

You see, in your quest 

To discover your Loving, 

True, Authentic Self 

You must go through Ego 

With all her loud bravado

With all his meek deference.

The 50-foot wall of decaying brick

The defences we use

To keep people away

THERE is where we must go.

Fear. Intimidation. Power.

Sadness. Loneliness. Fatigue.

The wise-guy

The timid girl

You must know them, befriend them.

This is not a quest to conquer

No. This is a quest to open your heart 

To see your protectors as they are

As they keep you safe

But also as they keep you separate.

To see them, to acknowledge them 

To love them, to know them 

This is the only way through 

You will not win a sword-fight 

You cannot strike them down


No. The only way through is love.

Which is so much harder

But also braver.

So, Warrior, what do you see before you?

Your protectors, your defences?

Who stands in the way of your authentic Self?

Be brave and go to them

Nurture them with care and love

Only then will they begin to disarm themselves

To put down their swords

Only then will they trust you as the true Warrior 

Ready to lead you into your greatest life.

Feature Photo by Aaron Thomas on Unsplash


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