slow it down for the holidays

Hands up if you have recently felt the tug of something telling you to slow down. T’is the season of shopping, holiday parties, decorating the house, planning for family gatherings and more. But take a minute now and ask yourself - what do YOU want or need in this moment?

For me it happened in November. Something grabbed hold of me and told me to SLOW DOWN. Have patience. Enjoy where I am NOW. Ever since that point I’ve been reading about and drawing a lot of turtles. The image shared is one of my latest creations. The turtle is such a wise, grounded, patient creature.

In the words of Jess Hagan (check out “We  are always exactly where we are supposed to be.  By the laws of nature, it can not be otherwise. Turtle is home wherever she goes because she takes her home with her. The Turtle Spirit Animal Totem advises us to own our space and take the time we need.”

So during this holiday season I encourage you to slow down and take the space you need. You don’t need to rush anywhere because you are exactly where you need to be.


Instead of a resolution, set a daily intention


Authentic: On the rise