Instead of a resolution, set a daily intention
I know it’s a bit early for New Year’s resolution talk. We’re still preparing for Christmas, for gosh sakes! But be patient with me. I just want to give you something to think about.
What if this year, instead of setting a New Year’s resolution, we set an intention of doing 3-5 things every day that help you take care of yourself and feel accomplished?
They don’t need to be big things. “Make the bed” could be one. But you have to try to do it every day.
For example, here are my 5:
Take a walk
If I do these 5 things every day I know that I’ll feel good. I’ll know I’m taking care of my body, I’m taking care of my mind, and I’m taking care of my spirit because I’m doing things I love. And yes, you can put a measurement to it (example - walk 5k every day), but I also don’t want to get discouraged if I can only manage 2k. It’s not the distance that matters, but the daily compounding effect of building these habits into your life.
As James Clear says - “Success is the product of daily habits - not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.”
So give it some thought. What are your 3-5 things that you would LOVE to do daily? For you. Because you deserve it.
Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash