Letters From Love - Volume 1 - On Seeking Approval, Finding Inspiration, and Letting Life Flow
How do you speak to yourself in challenging times? Do you hear criticism and judgement? Or kindness and compassion?
In previous articles and social media posts I have mentioned Elizabeth Gilbert’s project on Substack called Letters From Love. In her own words, Elizabeth explains Letters From Love like this: “Letters From Love is both a learning space and a spiritual practice. Here, people come together to discover their inherent value and exquisite preciousness, and to learn how to write and speak to themselves from a place of love and friendliness.”
With the intention of building up my inner voice with kindness and compassion I started writing my own Letters From Love back in mid-December and it has become an almost-daily practice. I more recently started to go back to my journals to read and record them, and as I do I can’t help but be amazed how damn good it feels to read a letter from love. She has some really powerful wisdom to share! We get so used to the inner critic, the judgements, and the insecurities that they can often drown out our love. But love is always there, she just needs space to enter. And so, almost every day I have been giving her space to enter and I have felt a noticeable difference in my self-acceptance, self-confidence, and self-love. I speak more kindly to myself now than I ever have, and I believe this practice is one of the reasons to thank for it.
So with all of that said, I now share with you three letters from love that I wrote to myself in the hopes that it inspires you to start writing your own letters from love. It is only by loving ourselves that we can return love back to the world, and wouldn’t it be nice if we could all feel and give just a little more love?
“This is not fancy writing. This is just a simple and
beautiful download, directly from the cosmos to your heart.”
~ Elizabeth Gilbert
On Seeking Approval and Acceptance
Dear Love, what would you have me know today about seeking approval?
My dearest Brooke,
Do you feel that exhaustion in your soul? The weariness in your bones? The rust forming around all the wheels spinning in your head? That is approval seeking. It feels like you were born seeking the approval of others, that's how far back this goes. It feels so heavy. You have spent a lifetime giving your power over to others. And I don't say that with judgement. Only compassion. It was a true survival mechanism for you that goes back as far as we can remember. Recently, though, we have started to feel the real truth - that only the love and approval of yourself is needed. This is why these conversations are so important.
After a lifetime of seeking the external you now are learning how to return to yourself. To love yourself. To accept yourself. To speak kindly to yourself. To belong to yourself. Just keep practicing, my love. Loving and accepting yourself is a practice that you've only just begun. Keep returning to me, love, and together we will heal and know what it feels like to truly accept yourself.
Love ❤️
On Finding Inspiration
Dear Love, what would you have me know today about inspiration and letting it lead?
Dearest Brooke,
Let inspiration guide you. Isn't that such a wonderful idea? Instead or forcing things, just relax. Relax into the deep-knowing that everything will be okay. All is well. You don't need to force anything. We are on the same team. You have told me what you love to do. You have expressed intention of who you want to be.
For the first time you are inspired to get up with me in the morning and write. You are on the path, my love. You have tapped into your wellspring of inspiration. The tap is flowing now. You just have to be with it and watch where it takes you. Like a creek running downhill. Just see where it goes.
So often we need to know where we are going. We need to know our destination. But isn’t life more interesting when you hand yourself over to the not-knowing? To the Tao. To the flow of life.
Who do you want to BE? That is your north star. What inspires you right now? Do that. Don't question it. Remember that the path disappears into the trees. You can't see the end. And you're not supposed to. Your faith will be tested, but what's meant for you will find you. Write about faith, inspiration, and not knowing. Have trust in the path and take it one step at a time.
Love ❤️
On Letting Life Flow
Dear Love, what is it that you would have me know today?
Dearest Brooke,
Little water. Your name is so beautiful, like the Tao. Letting life flow through you without trying to direct it or control it. You are not a dam, or a rock, or any other kind of impediment. You are the clear, blue, flowing water. Mostly calm in times of peaceful sunshine, but also powerful when you need to be. You can take on many storms, you can hold space for the rain that pours down. But when the storm passes and the rain stops you can let it go. Let all that extra volume run downstream to the ocean you feed.
You are the vessel I need between the towering mountains and the deepest sea. You carry wisdom and strength, as well as peace and calm.
People come to you to refresh their thirst, to wipe their eyes, to sit and contemplate. You live in the place where two majestic rivers merge. Remember that you are the flow. You are the Tao. You are powerful in your BEingness, You are light, you are Spirit. You can be Trust if you let me flow.
Just let go, my darling. It isn't lazy. It isn't passive. It's not giving up. It is Trust that I've got you, that WE’VE got you. You alone are not responsible for anything. And you are not in control. We are. And the more you trust that the more we can do powerful things together. We can move mountains if we need to, if we give it time and patience to do so.
A river never questions its path. It just flows. Calmly, faithfully, powerfully. Embrace this now. Let this knowing and this Being embrace your soul. Be like water, Little Brooke, and know that all is well.
Love ❤️
Featured Photo by Nicola Fioravanti on Unsplash